Display your Solar installation number on MagicMirror

Display your local solar system numbers (SolarWatt/KiwiGrid), like power drawn from the mains or your solar array, on your magicmirror.

This guide assumes that you already installed your MagicMirror, if not set it up with this guide.

The finished Interface will look something like this, but lets get started!

First query your local network for your KiwiGrid Instance, you can probe it via a link like http://192.***.***.***/rest/kiwigrid/wizard/devices. It should answer with all properties it has. (You can also reach it via the SolarWatt WebPortal, follow this guide)

Second install the module MMM-json.

#  Clone the repository into MagicMirror/modules directory and install the dependencies
cd ./modules
git clone https://github.com/DanielHabenicht/MMM-json.git
npm install

Copy and edit the config for the module, to display the values you like. You can find some documentation of the response here

    module: 'MMM-json',
    position: 'bottom_left',
    config: {
        url: "https://jsonplaceholder.typicode.com/users",
        header: "Solar",
        headerIcon: "fa-sun",
        values: [
                title: "Ladezustand",
                query:  "$..items[?(@.guid=='urn:solarwatt:myreserve:bc:a42c134g32769')].tagValues.StateOfCharge.value",
                suffix: "%"
                title: "Aus dem Netz",
                query: "$..items[?(@.guid=='3217ae6c-06b5-45ee-9879-9c5cf5117372')].tagValues.PowerConsumedFromGrid.value",
                suffix: "kWh",
                numberDevisor: 1000
                    title: "Solarstrom",
                    query: "$..items[?(@.guid=='f2a0f25d-4b23-4097-a6dd-f77b2eaf91ee')].tagValues.PowerProduced.value",
                    suffix: "kWh",
                    numberDevisor: 1000

More interesing Links: https://forum.iobroker.net/topic/14065/adapter-energymanager-eon-aura-bzw-solarwatt/46
